Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Christmas in January?

Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't been on here in a while......there are now 2 dogs living across the street from us and they like to bark.....a lot. And there's this bulldog that likes to come into my yard, so I've been doing extra guard duty and it is wearing me out!
Anyway, I want to tell you about my Christmas!
Every year at Christmas my humans always get me presents and put treats in my stocking, but this year my stocking was empty! This has never ever happened before!
I kept checking and rechecking.....I thought maybe they would put something in it eventually, but they never did. Christmas came and went. Gifts showed up in my humans' stockings, but mine remained empty. I was so sad.
Then something wonderful happened!! My human's humans came to visit! And they brought HUGE bags filled with treats and toys just for me!! (and a few things for my humans too).
I was so excited! 
I even wore one of my toys! Best Christmas ever!
And it got better! My human's humans took us to a very special place.......but first we had to drive and drive for a very long time.
Then we got on a big boat, but I had to go in my red travel bag.....something about my travel bag makes me so sleepy....... 
When we got to our special place we had to go check it all out! There was a lot of water......
I got to watch TV with one of my favorite humans. 
As long as all that water stays over there......everything will be just fine! 
My human's humans said that this special place was for resting and relaxing because we had all worked so hard all year long! 
I discovered that I'm really good at resting...... 
And human said I didn't hardly bark at all the whole time we were there. It was so nice to get away and just rest. It was good for my humans too.
My human took me down close to the water. 
I actually was brave enough to get in and get wet! 
And so what if I thought I'd see what sand tasted like......I mean, how often will I get to do that? 
It was hot down there, but the water felt good! 
Look at me being so brave and sitting so close to the water!
Before I knew it, it was time to head back home again, but this time I got to travel with my humans on the boat in my little red travel bag. 
Then I slept most of the way home in the car. I guess I wasn't done resting and relaxing...... 
When we got back, my human's humans got to spend some more time with the human niños that my humans spend almost every day with. 
I'm so glad I got to spend time resting and relaxing with my humans! We all needed it! We felt so refreshed when we got back! My humans say that you all pray for us everyday......thank you for that! You all are so special to us and your encouragement and prayers mean a lot to us.
God tells us to be still and know that He is God, that He will be exalted (which means that He will be above everyone and everything) among the nations and in the earth! When I'm still and I think about Him being the best and greatest ever (even better than my humans!) I have peace and can rest and relax knowing that He's got everything under control. You try it and see! 
love, Lucy

Friday, January 1, 2016

Lucy's Boot Camp

Hey guys, it's me Lucy! I've been busy training my friend Saprissa so she'll be ready to travel back to the United States with her humans!
For a big trip like that it's always very important to make sure that you're well rested!
And for some reason, my human always gives me a bath before we go you have to be prepared for that too! 
Then there's exercise. It's easier to travel if you're healthy. Two good walks a day should do it! Or once you get in shape, you can always go running. I love a good run!
A run is always more fun with a friend! 
We love the wind in our ears!! 
I'm so fast!!
One thing I've learned in my 6 years is that exercise needs to be fun! 
If it's not fun, then you probably won't keep doing it. And it's always more fun with a friend. 
Unless that friend has the toy you want.......
We like to get up early to do our exercise.
While we're waiting for my humans to get ready, I like to do a little reading. When I read the Bible I get to know more about the One who made me and loves me. I love starting my day with Him.
Remember to eat good food because they don't have food for dogs on the plane! This is a frozen pumpkin treat, my human made for me and it is delicious!
Well I've done my best to get my friend Saprissa ready for her trip! She tried to call her humans and tell them that she's ready to travel, but she fell asleep!
With all the getting up early, eating good and exercise that we've been doing, I think I need a nap too!
Until next time, love Lucy

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Lucy is 6!

Hey guys! Guess what?! I'm 6!! My human says my birthday is October 22nd. So guess what we did on my birthday?!
Can you believe that?! My humans forgot my birthday!! They left me at the house and spent the whole day with their human niños and didn't even tell me "Happy Birthday"! But I did get a good day of napping in, and dreamed about my birthday party last year with all my human niño friends in Costa Rica. I miss sure do miss them.
We had some fun times playing together!
I was kinda sad at first because I thought my humans weren't going to do anything at all for my birthday. Then last night my human put me in something called a "costume". 
My human said it was a "Tigger costume". 
I wasn't sure what was going on, but I had seen a lot of people walk past my window. We left the house and there was a PARTY going on! Just for ME! And everybody was there! The whole neighborhood! There were human niños everywhere (I was pretty sure they all needed to pet me), and they were all wearing costumes just like me.

It was my very first costume birthday party! It was great! And 3 of my human niño friends that I first met in Costa Rica were there too! 
We had so much fun! I think this turned out to be a pretty good birthday party! 
So of course I had to give kisses and thank my human for my very special birthday party! 
All that partyin sure does wear a girl out though!
You know, I thought my humans had forgotten all about me and that they didn't even care about my birthday. Then I got the biggest party ever! I had forgotten how much my humans love me even though they show it to me everyday.
Sometimes we think God forgets about us, but maybe we've forgotten how much He loves us! And He shows us His love for us everyday! 
So how have you seen God show you His love for you lately?

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Adventures of Lucy and Dutchess

Hey guys! I know you haven't heard from me in a while. I've been catching up on my beauty sleep, when I'm not guarding the house!
We live in a 3rd world country (which means that the people who live here are really poor) and some times they do bad things (like steal) because they're so hungry and just want food. But we'll have to talk about that later because I have some really exciting news!!
I have a new friend! Her name is Dutchess!
Her humans are the Stewarts. I met them when we were living in Costa Rica. They are missionaries here with my humans and they have 3 human niños! I was so excited to see them again!
One of them was napping when I came over to play, so I didn't get to play with him this time. But Dutchess was ready to play!

After a while, I needed a break! Whew! Those puppies just love to play! And have so much energy! 
Good thing her human niños were there to play with her when I got tired!

Then she wanted to play some more!

Finally, I think, she got tired. So then my human took to me home. I had a great time playing with all my friends and making a new friend! 
Good friends are so important to have, especially when you live so far from home! I'm glad I have friends here and my humans have friends too!
I need to get back to guard duty! ttyl! love, Lucy