Friday, December 19, 2014

Goodbye and Hello: Part 2

Guys! There have been some crazy things going on lately!! I wasn't sure what was up so I made sure to stay near the door and keep an eye on my humans!
One day my humans came home and told me that they had graduated language school. I'm not really sure what that means, but I guess since they're my humans, it means I graduated language school too!
Then a couple days later they woke me up at 4 a.m.!! That's really really early! I wasn't too excited about getting up that early in the morning....
But I had watched them pack suitcases the day before and they even packed one for me. I knew we were going somewhere and I was glad that I was going with them, but.... where were we going??
We went to this place called an airport. It smelled familiar. I'm pretty sure I've been there before. It was loud and there were lots of people there. A couple of them even petted me.
But then my humans told me it was time to get into my traveling bag. I don't like being in there. I tried to escape, but I could only get my nose out. So I finally decided to just take a nap. But I couldn't sleep yet! I had to make sure my humans didn't forget me and leave me there!! 
Finally we were on this thing called a plane. It was big and noisy too, and no one petted me there. My ears felt funny. I decided it was safe enough to take a nap because I was pretty sure my humans were stuck on there too. 
As I napped, I dreamed about all my friends that I left behind in Costa Rica.
This nice human and her niña took me and my humans to the vet in the middle of the night after I was bitten by that big dog and my humans were worried about me. I love these humans and it makes me sad to have to say goodbye to them. 
I LOVE niños!!! (that means kids in Spanish). They are so much fun! My humans told me that I'll get to play with these niños again soon! I can't wait!! 
These are my feathered neighbors. My humans never let me play with them, but I'm sure it would have been fun......they smelled tasty! I will miss hearing them sing and chirp. They were still fun to watch even though I couldn't play with them.
These are the humans of my feathered neighbors. They are some of my favorite humans! I always tried to sneak in their door whenever it was open. I knew I could get some good petting there!! 
But they had to pack up and leave too. I know more people will learn about the love of Jesus because of them, but it makes me sad that they had to leave.
I'm going to miss this family sooooo much! I loved going to their house to play! They are so much fun! They told me they are going to get a dog soon! I know they will take good care of it and it will be loved so much because of how they loved me when I was with them!
I had to wake up from my nap because it was making me sad to think of all the friends I was going to miss. I didn't even get to take a picture with all of them. 
Then we arrived in Knoxville and there was a HUGE group of people at the airport to welcome us back!
I was so worn out from all the traveling and not knowing what was going on, that when we got to Penny's house I couldn't keep my eyes open! I had to take a nap! And my humans put my sweater on because it was cold!! 
After I woke up from my nap, I ran around and found all the balls at Penny's house. I think I found about 14 or more! (After my humans took this picture we kept finding more and more tennis balls!) It was pretty much the best day ever!
Because it's so cold here, we spend a lot of time near this thing.....because it's warm!! 
Later my human took me to the store where are the doggies and other animals are. There's so much tasty and fun smelling stuff in this store! I get so excited I usually have to poop while I'm here!
I'm going to miss all the friends I made in Costa Rica and I love seeing all my old friends here in Tennessee. I don't know how long we'll be here, but I'm going to enjoy all of it! However, the most important thing is that I have a tennis ball, and I have my humans.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Dirty Tennis Ball

Good morning! I just woke up from my early morning you take naps? I highly recommend them!
And if you can't decide which pillow to sleep on.....sleep on both! 
Now what was I talking about? ......oh yeah! I remembered something very important that I wanted to tell you all! My humans told me that they weren't going to buy me anymore tasty Costa Rican dog food!!!
But I'm not worried! I know my humans love me and take good care of me, they wouldn't want me to starve! Maybe they're finally going to let me eat tasty human food!!
There's something else I want to tell you about! One day I was outside playing fetch with my human and she accidentally threw my ball through the gate and it went into the road. She went out there and looked and looked, but she couldn't find it. It was ok though, I went back inside and brought her another ball (I have 3 of them!). 
Sometimes when my human throws my ball it lands in places that get it dirty, so my human has to wash it (and she washes all the good flavor out of it too!). After she washes it, she puts it outside to dry, which makes me so very sad because I want to play with my ball.
But then a day or two later I finally get my ball back and I'm so excited and happy! I want to play with it all day long and even bring it to bed with me!
A first I was really upset because I felt like my human was punishing my ball and my ball didn't do anything wrong! It wasn't my ball's fault that it got dirty! 
But then I remembered Jesus, because He didn't do anything wrong either. It's not His fault that we mess up and do bad things, but because we do bad things, He had to die for us. Jesus took all of our bad things, all of our dirt, into Himself. And because He died for us, we can be washed clean from all our bad things (but not with soap like my ball). After we get washed clean then we get to have a relationship with Him. We can talk to Him whenever we want, He goes everywhere with us, and He loves us sooooo much! I hope you know how much He loves you! 
All you have to do is tell Him how sorry you are for all the bad things you've done, ask Him to wash you clean, and then ask Him to come live in your heart! And He will! Just ask my humans!
I think it's time for another nap! All this story telling is making me tired! Just know that Jesus loves you and wants to wash you clean from all your dirt! And while I know that the dirt outside in the grass can be fun and tasty, this kind of dirt will only make you please let Him wash you! love, Lucy

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Hey guys! Guess what?! This month is my birthday month. Now I'm 5 in human years! And I had my very first birthday party! It was great and now I know why all humans celebrate birthdays.....because it's so much fun!! On my actual birthday, my humans played ball with me all day long and we went for a run and I got to eat treats. One of the treats, my human made herself and it had peanut butter and apple pieces in it. It was soooo yummy!
Then a few days later, I was resting on my big comfy bed with my human and I heard little human niños calling my name! I got up and ran out the door! 5 of my little human friends were standing at our gate and I was pretty sure they wanted to play. But my human didn't let them in and then they left.
A little while later my humans and I left the house for our afternoon walk, but instead of turning right when we left the house (which is what we always do), we turned left! At first I wasn't sure, but after a while I realized where we were going.....we were going to the house where my human niño friends lived! I was so excited!!
When we got to the house I saw that all of my human friends that had stopped by our gate were there. I knew what I needed to do! I got my tennis ball out and we were ready to play!

Then I heard it! A squeak! One of the little humans had brought a squeaky toy!! And I figured out if I stepped on it with my paw I could make it squeak too!

So of course we had to play with the new toy too! We all had so much fun! 
But after a while I needed a break! So I took a "petting break" hehehe so the boys could pet me and I could cool off on the nice cold floors! I like petting breaks and scratchin breaks!
Then the boys needed a break too and ate some tasty looking human food!
I helped clean up some of the popcorn that was on the floor. I like tasty popcorn. My humans also said there was this thing called "dirt cake". I've never heard of humans eating dirt before and now I get in trouble when I try to eat it.......but the humans seemed to like this type of dirt. 
This was the BEST birthday ever! Thank you to all my human friends that came and played with me, and for my squeaky present! (I tried to bring it to bed that night, but my humans don't allow toys in bed at bedtime.) 
Someone was pretty worn out after my exciting birthday party! But I still got some scratchin out of it!
I was pretty tired too! But I had so much fun! We should have birthdays every day!! 
But we will have to plan the parties later because right now it is time for my Sunday morning nap! I'll talk to you later!! love, Lucy

Monday, September 15, 2014

Colorfully Created

Hey guys! So I just realized that I've been living in Costa Rica for forever!! And I still haven't shown you all the really neat animals that live here! So I thought we'd start with my, not my humans! haha! This is my friend gecko, I call him Fernando. He lives here in the house with me and eats insects and sometimes cockroaches. But fortunately, since we moved to our new house, we haven't had very many of those!
One thing about Costa Rica, it is very colorful! Just check out these birds!
My humans say this one is called a humming bird (or in Spanish "colibrí"). 
These are Macaws. And guess what? They mate for life! That means they find the one they love, they get married and stay together for always. How beautiful is that! These macaws are eating mangoes. What a tasty treat!
This bird should look familiar......especially if you eat Fruit Loops! As baby birds, both their parents take care of them as they grow up, and their beaks grow as they get bigger.
Look at this beautiful blue butterfly! 
This is a Poison Dart Frog so.....don't eat him! He is pretty, isn't he? 
What about this frog? He has some pretty good camouflage, doesn't he? (That means he's hard to find because he's the same color as everything around him.) And this one isn't poisonous. Can you see his bright red eyes? How unique! These little guys usually sleep during the day and use their bright colors to scare off anyone that wants to try to eat them!  
Do you see all those bats? There's a line of them down the tree. They also sleep during the day, and like to fly around at night eating all kinds of bugs! And it doesn't matter that it's dark at night, because bats can't see anyway.
Check out this pretty kitty. That's a BIG kitty. I don't even weigh 10 pounds! My humans say this kitty is called a jaguar and that I'm not allowed to play with must be in trouble and sitting in time out. Poor kitty. 
This furry little guy is an ant eater (but he also eats termites). He's pretty cute isn't he?  
We have a lot of these all over Costa Rica. They're called Iguanas. They come in different sizes and colors, but they all are pretty good at hiding in plain sight! 
I do not like crocodiles! They are big and scary and love to eat! They are very strong, but because their eyes are on either side of their head, they can't rely on what they see to help them capture their meal. They like to hunt in the water, where they can feel the waves the other animal makes. This makes it easier for them to catch them! I try to tell my humans that I don't want go swimming! But they said there aren't any crocodiles in any of the places we swim! Whew! 
Aww, isn't he cute? His Spanish name is "Carita Blanca" (that just means "little white face").
I've shown you a lot of really neat, colorful animals that live here in Costa Rica. Now for something a little different....
Did you see all the colors in this tree? This tree is called a Rainbow Eucalyptus, because eventually it is covered in all the colors of the rainbow! How beautiful!
And our God created all of it! I think He created these things to remind us of Him. Like the iguanas, you may not always see them, but they are there. We may not see God, but we can know that He is always there with us. Or the crocodile that can't see his dinner because of where his eyes are, but trusts that it's in front of him because he can feel the waves his dinner is making, and so he follows. God doesn't always clearly, with a loud voice say "GO BE A MISSIONARY IN HONDURAS", but He may tug at our hearts, or use the wise words of a friend or the words in His Book to show us where He wants us to go. And we should follow.
The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree is so pretty and I've never seen another tree that looks like it. So let's be like the Eucalyptus tree and be different, and follow our God. He created some pretty amazing stuff, I can't wait to see what He's going to do with our lives!
And now guys, I'm pretty sure it's bedtime! Goodnight! love, Lucy