Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Day in the Life of Lucy

Hey guys it's me, Lucy! My humans think I'm napping....hehehe...
So I thought I'd let ya'll know, what exactly it is that a traveling terrier does all day!
My humans go to school Monday through Friday, so every morning we get up really early!
I go outside to potty, then straight back to bed! (I don't have to go to school, so I'm gonna get my naps in!)
When it's time for them to go, my humans tell me bye and leave for school. But when they come home I get so excited!! I rush out the door to greet them in the yard....
And then it's time for lunch! But they don't share their food with me....
Unless it's watermelon in a watermelon bowel! It's one of my favorites! It just melts into sweet water in my mouth! My humans told me that watermelon in Spanish is called "sandia", which is funny because it's nothing like sand!!
Then after lunch my humans usually take me for a walk, which is one of my favorite things! When we get home, it's time for my humans to study! I try to help them study as best as I can! 
I'm a great study buddy!
Until someone mentions the word "bath" or "ball", then I'm outta there!! 
I have a very important job to do here, which includes helping my humans relax! (I try my best to be a good role model for them!) 
I can tell when they're getting tired or stressed, and need a good snuggle! 
And sometimes I just need a nap (it's hard work- helping with homework, helping my humans relax, going for walks and chasing the ball!), and my humans are way more comfy to sleep on than the tile floors or the couch!
At the end of the day, the most important thing is that my humans know that I love and support them!
So what did you do today?
(P.S. if you want to know more about my humans, check out their blog! www.vanvactorfcm.blogspot.com)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tengo Miedo!!

Sorry it's been a while since I let ya'll know what's been going on.....my humans gave me a bath (which I didn't want!) so I peed on their bed and got in trouble....
When we first got here I was sooooo scared!! There were all these new strange smells and sounds! And my humans left me in this strange house as soon as we got here! (They did come back after a while and brought me food and other stuff.) 
I remember when we first got here I could not relax! Cars were always driving by the house and these things called "motorcycles", whatever they are, they are LOUD! My humans say they are missing something called a "muffler" and that's why they are so loud. I had never heard that sound before. Oh and the dreaded fireworks!
Apparently, they have fireworks here a lot and I can hear them at my new house. I heard my humans talking about them and they said the fireworks are to celebrate each and every saint on their individual day, there must be a bunch!
Our gate that leads to the outside world is right by the street and strangers pass by it all the time....at first, I thought they were coming to pet me....but they don't, so now I just bark at them all!
The nice thing I like about our new country (my humans say it's called Costa Rica) is it's a dog paradise! I love going for walks, you can pee and poop anywhere and no one cares! (except my humans, they still want me to use the grass). Some times people walk their dogs on leashes, but other times they don't, or dogs just wander around. But I can't understand what they're barking about (and they bark a lot!), I guess they bark in Spanish.....maybe I need to go to school too. Oh, and you always have to watch your step here...not just because of the dogs. They have these things here called "gringo traps" (a gringo is what they call someone who lives in the U.S.) and they can be pretty dangerous!
I'm glad I'm a good jumper! I don't have to worry about no gringo trap! I just hope my humans keep watching where they're going....I don't think I could pull them out. 
At least it's safe inside here.
I remember one day we went for a walk and when we came around the corner there was a man laying on the ground next to the wall. He smelled sad and like something else I had never smelled before...I think it was hopelessness....yeah, he smelled like hopelessness (and a turkey sandwich, because he had one). If he hadn't been sleeping I might've tried to cheer him up by licking his face! A good face licking always cheers people up!
My humans say they are here to learn Spanish so they can help people like him. Help people who smell like hopelessness to know about Jesus, because He gives us hope. If my humans can be brave enough to do this, then so can I! After all, Jesus says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (even in Costa Rica!)
This is me, being brave! I'll talk to you later! love, Lucy