Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Dirty Tennis Ball

Good morning! I just woke up from my early morning you take naps? I highly recommend them!
And if you can't decide which pillow to sleep on.....sleep on both! 
Now what was I talking about? ......oh yeah! I remembered something very important that I wanted to tell you all! My humans told me that they weren't going to buy me anymore tasty Costa Rican dog food!!!
But I'm not worried! I know my humans love me and take good care of me, they wouldn't want me to starve! Maybe they're finally going to let me eat tasty human food!!
There's something else I want to tell you about! One day I was outside playing fetch with my human and she accidentally threw my ball through the gate and it went into the road. She went out there and looked and looked, but she couldn't find it. It was ok though, I went back inside and brought her another ball (I have 3 of them!). 
Sometimes when my human throws my ball it lands in places that get it dirty, so my human has to wash it (and she washes all the good flavor out of it too!). After she washes it, she puts it outside to dry, which makes me so very sad because I want to play with my ball.
But then a day or two later I finally get my ball back and I'm so excited and happy! I want to play with it all day long and even bring it to bed with me!
A first I was really upset because I felt like my human was punishing my ball and my ball didn't do anything wrong! It wasn't my ball's fault that it got dirty! 
But then I remembered Jesus, because He didn't do anything wrong either. It's not His fault that we mess up and do bad things, but because we do bad things, He had to die for us. Jesus took all of our bad things, all of our dirt, into Himself. And because He died for us, we can be washed clean from all our bad things (but not with soap like my ball). After we get washed clean then we get to have a relationship with Him. We can talk to Him whenever we want, He goes everywhere with us, and He loves us sooooo much! I hope you know how much He loves you! 
All you have to do is tell Him how sorry you are for all the bad things you've done, ask Him to wash you clean, and then ask Him to come live in your heart! And He will! Just ask my humans!
I think it's time for another nap! All this story telling is making me tired! Just know that Jesus loves you and wants to wash you clean from all your dirt! And while I know that the dirt outside in the grass can be fun and tasty, this kind of dirt will only make you please let Him wash you! love, Lucy