Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Big Move!

Hey guys! I'm back! My humans have gone to this thing called church and it must be pretty fun because they stay gone for half the day! Which also gives me plenty of time to let you know what's been going on!
So they put me in that little red box and started carrying me around. I could smell tons of new smells! And I could see all kinds of people on the other side of my box! All these people and not a single one petted me!! I wasn't sure what was going on! All of my favorite humans were there in this big noisy place and then I heard them all saying "Goodbye" and hugging my humans. I was very confused! My humans had gotten rid of my nice warm house with the big field that I love (because it's perfect for playing fetch)! They got rid of my treats, my food bowls, all of my sweaters but one and my bed.....and now we're saying goodbye to my favorite humans? I started to wonder what was wrong with my humans....but I trusted them so I was just going to have to see what happened next!
We went through this line and a stranger greeted my human and she gave him something, which he gave back to her and then she walked up to this table and put all of her things on it except me. At first I thought she was getting rid of everything else! But then I saw the bags start to move and my human walked through a doorway with no door and got her things back. Then we went and sat down, my humans even got me out of the box for a while and gave me a nasty tasting treat!
I was very disappointed my humans would not let me get down and play! But after a while they told me we had to get on this thing called an "airplane". It was like getting in a HUGE car with soooo many seats! There were lots of people....but none of them were petting me and it made me sad. Then my human sat down and put me down by her feet under the chair in front of her.
Pretty soon I started to hear this noise and it sounded like this big "airplane"-car thingy was growling, and it was pretty loud at first but then my ears started to feel funny so I decided it was time to take a nap.....
We actually rode on two of those "airplane"-car thingys that day. My human offered me food and water but I wasn't sure what was going on and I'm pretty sure the nasty treat she gave me wasn't a treat! I was tired of being in the red box! I wanted to get out and play fetch in my field! I know I saw my human put my tennis balls in one of her bags....but I think she gave that bag away to someone!
When we got off the second "airplane"-car I realized that I was very hot in my sweater! And there were all these different smells I had never smelled before.....what was this place?! We had to walk through a building and I saw my human get her bags back (which meant my tennis balls were not lost forever)! When we went outside my human finally let me out of the red box! I was still a little groggy from that treat or whatever it was! So I wasn't moving too fast but I was sooo glad to be out, and the grass was so green I just had to pee on it!
There were these two new humans I had never seen before, and they were talking to my humans. They smelled like nice people. So we all got in a van together and they took us to a new house. This house was not as big as my old one and there was no carpet, but my humans put their bags in it so it must be ours!
Then they left me! So I decided to go exploring....

When my humans came back I was so excited to see them, I was crying, whining, jumping, and licking them! I thought they had left me FOREVER! When they came back, I could tell they had been to the store and they had bought me some food! I was sooo starving! Mmmm food....I'm kinda hungry now! I think I'll go have me a snack and then take a nap before they get back! Then I'll be ready to play fetch ALL day long! Gotta go! love Lucy

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